Redesign of the client's construction company's website.

Construction Website Redesign

In this project, I was tasked with redesigning the website for a small construction company. The client’s existing website was functional but lacked visual appeal and professionalism. My role as a UI designer was to transform the website into a more modern, user-friendly, and visually compelling platform that effectively communicated the company's values and services. I started the design process in Figma, where I developed wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes. These designs were then implemented on the Webflow platform, where I ensured that every page was fully responsive across all devices.

June 8, 2024 — August 7, 2024
Research Methods
Heuristic evaluation, user persona, competitor analysis
Tools Used
Webflow, Figma


Icon of the magnifying glass.
Identify usability issues that prevent users from accessing information about the construction company's services, and implement solutions to improve the overall user experience.
Icon of the computer screen.
Develop a modern, visually appealing interface that reflects the professionalism and reliability of the construction company, helping to build trust with potential clients.
Icon of the arrow.
Design a fully responsive website that delivers a seamless experience across all devices, while ensuring accessibility standards are met, making the site user-friendly for all visitors.

Competitor Analysis

To ensure the redesign of the construction company’s website was competitive and aligned with industry standards, I conducted a comprehensive competitor analysis. I have selected three firms, all of which are based in nearby cities.

User Persona

I wanted to make sure that the new website would be just right for the people who are going to use it, so I created a user persona representing someone who would be a typical client. By understanding Karol's goals, frustrations, and motivations, I was able to design a user-friendly and professional website that addresses his specific needs as a potential client.

Through the User's Eyes

I wanted to get a better understanding of how someone like Karol Brodzki, who's looking for a construction company, interacts with their website. So I created a user journey map. This map shows each stage of his experience, from looking at different companies to requesting a quote for his home renovation project. By tracking what he's doing, how he's feeling, and what he's struggling with, the map shows where the website could be improved, making it easier and more satisfying for users.

The Challenge

Icon of the number, number 1.
The current website looks a bit dated and doesn't reflect modern design trends. This affects the overall user experience, making the site seem less credible and less engaging.
Icon of the number, number 2.
There aren't any clear, strategically placed call-to-action buttons on the website, which makes it tricky for users to contact the company, request a quote, or explore key offerings.
Icon of the number, number 3.
The website lacks a visual identity, with inconsistent fonts, colors, and design elements. This inconsistency creates a bad user experience and weakens the company's overall perception.
How might we modernize the website’s design and improve its usability to effectively showcase the company’s services, provide clear information, and facilitate easy contact for potential clients?

Key Features & Solutions

Modernized Visual Design

I gave the old, cluttered layout a makeover with a modern, clean design that looks more professional and is easier on the eye. I've improved the typography, used more white space and added some high-quality images to create a more cohesive and professional look.

Enhanced Calls to Action

A clear, prominent call to action (CTA) has been added to encourage users to take the next step. This makes it easier for users to request quotes or contact the company.

Mobile Responsiveness and Accessibility

Ensured the website is fully responsive, providing an optimized user experience across all devices. The new design adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, improving accessibility for users on mobile and tablets.


Understanding the User Journey is Vital for Effective Design

Through user research and the creation of personas and journey maps, I realized how vital it is to fully understand the client’s potential users. This approach helped me identify pain points that weren’t immediately obvious, allowing me to create a design that directly addressed user frustrations and improved their experience.

Responsive Design is Non-Negotiable

With more users relying on mobile devices, I saw firsthand how critical it is to prioritize responsiveness. Ensuring the site works seamlessly across all devices not only improves the user experience but also reflects positively on the company’s professionalism.