Concept design of the diabetes management app.

Diabetes Management App

A few weeks after being diagnosed with diabetes, I began searching for apps to help manage it. I started using one of the apps, noticed some flaws with time, deleted it, and started using another. This cycle repeated so many times, and I grew extremely frustrated. Even with all the tech advancements, most apps still fall short for diabetics. Sure, the industry leaders talk a lot about health and wellness, but their apps just don’t cover all the bases when it comes to managing diabetes. That’s why I decided to take matters into my own hands and start designing a conceptual app that brings everything we need into one place. My goal was to create an app that makes diabetes management easier, reducing the time and hassle it takes to stay on top of things.

May 7, 2021 — Aug 15, 2021
Research Methods
Competitor analysis, user persona, journey mapping, user flow
Tools Used
Figma, Notion


Icon of the magnifying glass.
Identify user pain points and usability issues that users face when entering blood glucose levels, food intake, and medication, as well as secondary factors like illness or hormonal changes.
Icon of the computer screen.
Focus on creating a modern, minimalist, easy-to-navigate interface that delivers only the most crucial information and tools, reducing cognitive load and improving user satisfaction.
Icon of the arrow.
Streamline the data entry process (for blood glucose, medication) that allows users to easily log critical data, reducing the complexity and time required for accurate diabetes management.

Competitor Analysis

Today’s app landscape is packed with tools for managing diabetes. To figure out what might be missing from current user experiences, I took a close look at some of the most popular apps that diabetics use, based on discussions in online forums. Specifically, I explored One Drop, Glucose Buddy Diabetes Tracker, and mySugr to see how they help users manage their diabetes. Below is a summary of how these leading apps support diabetes management and where they might fall short.

User Persona

To get a better idea of how to design a product that works for different types of users, I created User Personas based on interviews and user stories. The goal was to capture the most common pain points that diabetic patients shared during our chats. Meet Sophie, a 43-year-old who just wants a simple app to quickly add her health details. If you’re interested in learning more about James, a 26-year-old who's focused on understanding his diabetes better, feel free to reach out—I can share his persona details privately. For now, you can check out Sophie’s User Persona below, including what drives her and what frustrates her.

Through the User's Eyes

To design a user-friendly solution, I started by creating user journeys based on interviews, user stories, and personas. This step helps me see the product from the user’s perspective, making it easier to spot and eliminate potential pain points. By focusing on a specific persona, I can tailor the design to their needs, ensuring the experience is both intuitive and enjoyable.

The Challenge

Icon of the number, number 1.
Complicated logging processes made it difficult for users to track their blood glucose levels consistently during busy days and accurately assess their diabetes management.
Icon of the number, number 2.
Existing apps often produced PDF reports with excessive or unclear information, making it hard for users to generate concise, understandable reports for sharing with their doctors.
Icon of the number, number 3.
A limited food database and lack of comprehensive nutrition information made it challenging for users to access detailed nutrient profiles and manage their dietary intake effectively.
How might we design a diabetes management app that consolidates essential features into a modern, minimalist interface, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their health?

Key Features & Solutions

Empowered Insights

In designing a diabetes management dashboard, the goal was to prioritize essential information, providing users with immediate access to key health metrics. The dashboard prominently displays "time in range" and "average glucose" as vital indicators of daily blood glucose management. These metrics are easily accessible at a glance, allowing users to quickly assess their status and take necessary action. Additionally, the dashboard features the latest blood glucose reading, accompanied by a graph that visualizes glucose trends throughout the day. This centralized view eliminates the need to navigate multiple screens, saving time and reducing frustration. To further enhance user engagement, the dashboard includes a personalized information message, offering tailored insights and tips based on the user’s recent health data. This feature not only educates but also empowers users to make informed decisions in managing their diabetes.

Streamlined Reporting

Addressing a common frustration among users, this solution reimagines the process of sharing health reports by simplifying interactions with cumbersome PDF files. In just four straightforward steps, users can now customize their health reports to highlight the most relevant information and effortlessly share these reports with their doctors. This approach not only saves time but also enhances the clarity and accuracy of the communication between users and their healthcare providers, ensuring better care and management.

Effortless Logging and Tracking

At the heart of this solution is a prominently placed button that allows users to quickly and easily log their health information, streamlining the data entry process. Alongside this, advanced search capabilities make finding food items a hassle-free experience, whether users are looking up specific foods or creating custom meals. The option to save frequently consumed meals adds another layer of convenience, enabling users to make quick dietary choices without repetitive entries. These features work together to enhance the overall usability and efficiency of the app, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for managing health and nutrition.



One key learning is the critical importance of user testing in the design process. While I couldn't conduct extensive testing for this conceptual app, I realized that usability studies are essential for gaining insights into how real users interact with the design. By gathering feedback and iterating on the design based on user input, I could significantly enhance the app’s effectiveness and usability, ensuring it truly meets the needs of those managing diabetes.

Data Visualization

Another important takeaway is the need to prioritize data visualization within the app. Simplifying complex information through intuitive and user-friendly visuals is crucial to help users quickly understand and act on their health data. I also learned that empowering users with customizable data filters could offer greater control and personalization, making their experience more engaging and effective in managing their health.